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The Urheimat of the Nostratic Languages

The Relationship of the Altaic and Turkic languages. Origin and development.

Literature. B. Scientific works and sources: A - G


            AISZP – Sb. Arkheologicheskie issledovaniya Severo-Zapadnogo Prichornomor’ya. – (In Russian) – Ms: Archaeological researches of the North-West Pontus.
            AS – Anton Scherer. 1968. Die Urheimat der Indogemanen. – (In German) – The Ueheimat of Indo-Europeans. Darmstadt.
            BL – The Baltic languages and their Interconnections with the Slavic, Finno-Ugric and Germanic Languages. The Theses of Reports of Scientific Conference Dedicated 100 Anniversary of Academician Ja. Endzelin. Riga.
            CYIE – Chuvashskiy yazyk: istoriya i etimologiya. (In Russian) – The Chuvash Language: History and Etymology.
            CS – Ms: (eskoslovensk( slavistika. – (In Czech and Slovak). – Czech-Slovak Slavistic.
            EDRO – Sb. Etnos v doklassovom i ranneklassovom obshchestve. – (In Russian) – Ms: Ethnos in the Pre-Class and Early-Class Community.
            EMN – Sb. Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda.- (In Russian) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Mordvin people.
            EEINS – Sb. Etnogenez i etnicheskaya istoriya narodov Severa. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis and the Ethnic History of the North people.
            EFUN – Sb. Etnogenez finno-ugorskikh narodov po dannym antropologii. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Ethnogenesis of the Finno-Ugric People on Data of Anthropology.
            EPI – Sb. Etnicheskie problemy istorii Tsentral’noy Azii v drevnosti. M. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Ethnic Problems of the History of the Central Asia in Old Times. M.
            ES – Evrei i slaviane. Tom 16. Khazary. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Research of Hungarian Scientists in Chuvash.
            FRSN – Sb. Formirovanie rannefeodal’nykh slavianskikh narodnostey. M. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Formation of the Early-Feudal Slavic Folks. M.
            IPO – Istoriya pervobytnogo obshchestva. M. (In Russian) – The History of the Primordial Community.
            IVUCY – Sb. Issledovaniya vengerskikh uchenykh po chuvashskomu yazyku. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Research of Hungarian Scientists in Chuvash. Cheboksary.
            K – Kiev.
            KISV – Khrestomatiya po istorii srednikh vekav. – (In Russian) – The Reading Book in the History of the Middle Ages.
            MKSA – Sb. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress slavianskoy arkheologii. Tezisy dokladov sovetskoy delegatsii. – (In Russian) – Ms: The International Congress of the Slavic Archaeology. The Theses of the Reports of the Soviet Delegation. M.
            M – Moscow.
            Ms – Miscellany.
            NPYK – Novye pamyatniki yamnoy kul’tury stepnoy zony Ukrainy. – (In Russian) – Ms: New Remains of The Yamna (Pit) Culture of the Ukrainian Steppes.
            OBY – Osnovy balkanskogo yazykoznaniya. Yazyki balkanskogo regiona. Otv. Red.. A.V. Desnitskaya. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of the Balkan Linguistics. The Languages of the Balkan Region. Edited by A.V. Desnitskaya.
            OIY – Osnovy iranskogo yazykoznaniya. Drevneiranskie yazyki. Otv. redaktor V.S. Rastorgueva. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Principles of Iranian Linguistics. The Old-Iranian Languages. Edited by V.S. Rastorgueva.
            OLA – Obscheslavianskiy lingvisticheskiy atlas. Nauka. M. – ((In Russian) – Common Slavic Linguistic Atlas. Nauka. M.
            PAPP – Problemy arkheologii Povolzh’ya i Priural’ya. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Problems of the Archaeology of the Volga and Ural Regions.
            PGP – Pam’yatki gal’shtats’kogo periodu v mezhirichchi Visli, Dnistra i Prip’yati. – (in Ukrainian) Ms: The Remains of Hallstatt Period in the Country Between Rivers Vistula, San and Prypiat.
            PSA – Problemi suchasnoї arealogiї. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Problems of Modern Arealogy.
            SA – Sovetskaya Arkheologia. – The Magazine “Soviet Archaeology”. M. – (In Russian).
            SPb – Saint-Petersburg.
            SS – Sovetskoye Slavianovedienie – The Magazine “Soviet Slavistic”. M. – (In Russian).
            TOKY – Sb. Teoreticheskie osnovy klassifikatsii yazykov mira. – (In Russian) – Ms: The Theoretical Principles of the Classification of World Languages.
            UAEY – Sb. Uraloaltaistika. Arkheologiya. Etnografiya. Yazyk. (Red. Ubryatov E.I.). – (In Russian) – Ms: Uraloaltaistic. Archaeology. Ethnography. Language. Edited by Ubryatov E.I.
            UI – Sb. Uralo-Indogermanistika. Balto-slavianskie yazyki i problema uralo-indoevropeyskikh sviazey. Materialy 3-ey balto-slavianskoy konferentsii 18-22 iyunya 1990 g. M. – (In Russian) – Uralo-Indogermanistika: The Baltic-Slavic Languages and the Problem of the Uralic-Indo-European Connections. The Materials of the 3rd Baltic-Slavic Conference 18-22 July 1990. M.
            URE – Ukraїns’ka Radyans’ka Entsiklopediya. – (In Ukrainian) – Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia.
           VDI – Vestnik drevniey istorii – (In Russian) – Herald of Ancient History.
            VY – Voprosy yazykoznaniya. – The Magazine “The Questions of Linguistics”. M. – (in Russian).
            ABASHINA N.S. 1986. Vyvchennya etnogenezu slov’yan v pratsyakh V.P.Petrova. Arkheologiya № 54. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Study of the Ethnogenesis of Slavs in V.P. Petrov’s works. Arkheologiya # 54. K.
            ABAYEV V.I. 1965. Skifsko-evropeyskie izoglossy. M. – (In Russian) – The Scythian-European Isoglosses. M.
            ABAYEV V. I. 1979. Skifo-sarmatskie narechiya. OIY. M. – (In Russian) – The Scythian-Sarmatian Dialects. OIY. M.
            ABAYEV V.I. 1981. Doistoriya irantsev v svete ario-ural’skikh yazykovykh kontaktov. EPI. – (In Russian) – The Prehistory of the Iranians in the Light of Arian-Uralic Language Contacts. EPI.
            AGABEKIAN M.A. 1974. Armyano-italiyskie leksicheskie izoglossy. Avtoreferat dissertatsii. Erevan. – (In Russian) – Armenian-Italic Lexical Isoglosses. The Auto-Abstract of Dissertation. Erivan.
            AKHMETIANOV R.G. 1978. Sravnitel’noe issledovanie tatarskogo i chuvashskogo yazykov. M. (In Russian) – Comparative Study of Tatar and Chuvash. M.
            ALEKSEYEV A.Yu., MURZIN V.Yu., ROLLE R. 1991. Chertomlyk. Skifskiy kurgan IV veka do n.e. K. Naukova dumka. – (In Russian) – Chertomlyk. The Scythian Kurgan of IV cen. BC. K.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1974 -1. Geografiya chelovecheskikh ras. M. Mysl. – (In Russian) – The Geography of Human Races. M. Mysl.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1974-2. Antropologicheskie aspekty issledovaniya etnogeneza finno-ugorskikh narodov. – (In Russian) – The Anthropological Aspects of the Study of Finno-Ugric Ethnogenesis.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1975. Antropologicheskiy kommentariy k gipoteze tsirkumpolyarnoy kul’tury. EEINS. M. – (In Russian) – The Anthropological Commentary to the Hypothesis of Circumpolar Culture. EEINS. M.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1982. O samom rannem etape rasoobrazovaniya i etnogeneza. EDRO. M. – (In Russian) – About Most Earlier Stage of the Race-Building and Ethnogenesis. EDRO. M.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1989. Istoricheskaya antropologiya i etnogenez. M. (In Russian) – The Historical Anthropology and Ethnogenesis. M.
            ALEKSEYEV V.P. 1991. Novye spory o starykh problemakh. M. – (In Russian) – New Discussions About Old Problems. M.
            ALEKSEYEVA I.L. 1978. Voprosy khronologi i periodizatsii ranney pory paleometallicheskoy epokhi Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomor’ya. AISZP. K. – (In Russian) – The Questions of the Chronology and Periodization of the Early Period of Palaeo-Metallic Age. AISZP. K.
            ALEKSEYEVA T.I. 1973. Etnogenez vostochnykh slavian. M. – (In Russian) – The Ethnogenesis of the East Slavs. M.
            ALEMANY AGUSTI. 2000. Sources on the Alans. Brill. Leiden. Boston. Köln.
           ALINEI MARIO (2003). Interdisciplinary and linguistic evidence for Palaeolothic contunuity of Indo-European, Uralic, and Altaic population in Eurasia, with an excursus on Slavic ethnogenesis.
            ANDREYEV N.D. 1986. Ranneindoevropeyskiy prayazyk. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – The Old-Indo-European Language. Leningrad.
            ANDRONOV M.S. 1982. Iz istorii klassifikatsii dravidiyskikh yazykov. M.- (In Russian) – From the History of the Dravidian Languages. M.
            ANIKIN A.E. 1990. Ob ural’skom vklade v leksiku russkikh govorov. UI. Ch.1. – (In Russian) – About Uralic Contribution to the Vocabulary of the Russisan Dialects.
           ANNENKOVЪ N. 1878. Botanicheskiy slovar’. Izd. 2-e. SPb. – (In Russian) – Botanic Dictionary. SPb.
            ARAPOV M.V., HERZ M.M. 1974. Matematicheskie metody v istoricheskoy lingvistike. M. – (In Russian) – Mathematical Methods in Historical Linguistics. M.
            ARKHANDEL'SKIY D.I. 1925. Chuvashskie uzory. Ul’yanovsk. – (In Russian) – Chuvash Designs. Ulianovsk.
            Arkheologiya Ukrainskoy SSR. Tom 1. Pervobytnaya arkheologiya. 1985. K. – (In Russian) – Archaeology of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol 1. Prehistorical Archaeology. K.
            Arkheologiya Ukrainskoy SSR. Tom 2.Pervobytnaya arkheologiya. 1986. K. – (In Russian) – Archaeology of the Ukrainian SSR. Vol 2. Prehistoric Archaeology. K.
            ARTAMONOV M.I. 1962. Istoriya khazar. Leningrad.- (In Russian) – History of Khazars. Leningrad.
            ARTAMONOV M.I. 1974. Kimmeriytsy i skify. Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta. – (In Russian) – The Cimmerians and Scythians. The Edition of Leningrad University.
            ARUTIUNOV S.A. 1982. Etnicheskie obshchnosti doklassovoy epokhi. EDRO. M. – (In Russian) – Ethnic Communities of Pre-Class Period. EDRO. M.
            Atlas ofitsera. 1984. M. – (In Russian) – Atlas of Officer. M.
            BADER O.N., KHALIKOV A.Kh. 1976. Balanovskaya kul’tura i eye sviazi v Povolzh’e. PAPP. Kuybyshev. – (In Russian) – The Culture of Balanovo and Its Connections in the Volga Region. PAPP.
            BALONOV F.R. 1991. Chertomlykskaya serebryanaya amfora kak model’ mifopoeticheskogo prostranstva-vremeni. V kn.. Alekseyev A.Yu. i dr. Chertomlyk. K. Naukova dumka. – (In Russian) – The Silver Vase of Chertomlyk: In the Book: Alekseyev A.Yu. a.o. Chertomlyk. K. Naukova dumka.
            BANDRIVS'KIY MYKOLA. 1993. Vyvchennya skifs’kykh starozhytnostey na Borshchivshchyni: Litopis Borshchivshchyny. Vipusk tretiy. Borshchiv. – (In Ukrainian) – The Study of the Scythian Antiquities on Borshchiv district: Chronicle of Borshchiv district. Borshchiv.
            BARAN V.D. 1978. Slaviane v seredine I tysiacheletiya n.e. Sb. Problemy etnogeneza slavian. K. (In Russian) – Slavs in the Middle of the 1st mill. n.e. Ms: The problems of the Slavic Ethnogesis. K.
            BARAN V.D. (Otv. Red). 1985. Etnokul’turnaya karta territorii Ukrainskoy SSR v I tys. n.e. K Naukova dumka. – (In Russian) – Ethno-Cultural Map of the territory of Ukrainian SSR in I tys. AD. K. Naukova dumka.
           BARAN V. 1986. Problemy pokhodzhennya slov’yan: nove u vivchenni. Pam’yatniki Ukrayiny. № 1. K. -(In Ukrainian) – The Problems of the Origin of Slavs: The New in Study. Remains of the Ukraine. K
            BARAN V.D. 1990. Slaviane v seredine I tysyacheletiya n.e. i problemy ikh rasseleniya (po dannym arkheologii). MKSA. (In Russian) – Slavs in the Middle of the 1st mill. n.e. and the Problems of their Settlement (according Data of Archaeology). MKSA.
            BARTA A. 1985. Problemy etnicheskoy arkheologii v uralistike i altaistike. UAEY. Novosibirsk. – (In Russian) – The Problems of the Ethnical Archaeology in Uralistics and Altaistics. UAEY. Novosibirsk.
            BARTOK BELA. 1966. Narodnaya muzyka Vengrii i sosednikh narodov. M. – (In Russian) – Muzyka. – (In Russian) – The Folk Music of Hungary and Neighbouring People. M.
            BARTONÉK ANTONÍN. 1976. Odysseové na mořích historie. Praha. – (In Czech) – Odysseuses on the Seas of History. Prague.
            BASKAKOV N.A. 1960. Tyurkskie yazyki. M.- (In Russian) – The Turkic Languages. M.
            BAUPLAN de GUILLAME le VASSEUR. 1998. Opis Ukraїni. Pereklad z frantsuz’koї. L’viv. – (In Ukrainian) – The Description of the Ukraine. Translation from French. Lviv.
           BEDE VENERABLE. Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation/ Internet Edition of Fordham University. The Jesuit University of New York. Web site
            BELITSER V.N. 1971. Narody Srednego Povozh’ya i Priurallya. Sb. Krest’yanskaya odezhda naseleniya Evropeyskoy Rossii. M. (In Russian) – The People of the Middle Volga and Ural Regions. Ms: Peasant Clothing of the Population of European Russia. M.
            BEREZANSKAYA S.S. 1982. Severnaya Ukraina v epokhu bronzy. K. – (In Russian) – The North Ukraine in the Bronze Age. K.
            BEREZANSKAYA S.S. 1986. Kul’tura mnogovalikovoy keramiki. V kn. Kul’tury epokhi bronzy na territorii Ukrainy. K. – (In Russian) – The Culture of Many-Roller Pottery. In the book: The Cultures of Broze Age on the Territory of the Ukraine.
            BERNTSTEIN S.B. 1961. Ocherk sravnitel’noy grammatiki slavianskikh yazykov. M. – (In Russian) – The Sketch of Comparative Grammar of the Slavic Languages. M.
            BIRNBAUM HENRIK. 1990. Yeshche raz o zavoevanii Severo-vostochnoy Evropy slavianami i o voprose finno-ugorskogo substrata v russkom yazyke. UI. Ch.1. – (In Russian) – Ones More About the Conquest of North-East Europe by Slavs and About of the Question of Finno-Ugric substratum in Russian. UI. Part 1.
            BIRNBAUM H. 1993. Geneticheskie i tipologicheskie metody vneshnego sravneniya yazykov. VY. №4. – (In Russian) – Genetic and Typological Methods of the Outer Comparison of Languages.
            BLAŽEK VACLAV. 1990. New Fenno-Ugric – Indo-Iranian Lexical Parallels. UI. P. 2.
            BONGRAD-LEVIN G.M. 1981. Etnicheskie processy v Indostane (III – I tysyacheletie do n.e.). EPI. – (In Russian) – Ethnic Processes in Hindustan (the 3rd – 1st mill BC). EPI.
            BONGRAD-LEVIN G.M., GRANTOVSKIY E.A. 1983. Ot Skifii do Indii. M. Mysl’. – (In Russian) – From Scythia to India. M. Mysl’.
            BOSCH-GIMPERA P. 1961. Indoeuropäer. Schlußfolgerungen. AS. Darmstadt. – (In German) – Indo-Europeans. Conclusions. AS. Darmstadt.
            BOTHEROYD SYLVIA und PAUL F. 1999. Lexikon der keltischen Mythologie. München. – (In German) – The Lexicon of the Celtic Mythology. Munich.
            BRAY U., TRUMP D. 1990. Arkheologicheskiy slovar’. M. Progress. – (In Russian) – A Dictionary of Archaeology. Translation from English. M. Progress.
            BRIUSOV A.Ya. 1952. Ocherki po istorii plemen evropeyskoy chasti SSSR v neoliticheskuyu epokhu. M. – (In Russian) – Sketches in the History of Tribes of the European Part of the USSR in Neolithic Epoch. M.
            BROMLEY Yu.V. (otv. red.). 1986. Epokha pervobytnoy rodovoy obshchiny. IPO. M. – (In Russian) – The Epoch of Primordial Kin Community. IPO. M.
            BRÜKNER ALEKSANDER. 1961. Slawische Sprachwissenschaft. Einleitung und Lautlehre. Berlin – (In German) – Slavic Linguistics. Introduction and Phonology. Berlin.
            BULAKHOVS'KIY L.A. 1977-1. Narisi z zagal’nogo movoznavstva. Vibrani tvori v p’yati tomakh. T.1. K. – (In Ukrainian) – Sketches in Common Linguistics. In the Book: Selected Works in five volumes. V.1. K.
            BULAKHOVS'KIY L.A. 1977-2. Pitannya pokhodzhennya ukraїns’koї movi. Vibrani tvori v p’yati tomakh. T.2. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Question of the Origin of the Ukrainian Language. In the Book: Selected Works in five volumes. V.2. K.
            BUZUK PETRO. 1927. Naris istoriї ukraїns’koї movi. – (In Ukrainian) – The Sketch of the History of the Ukrainian Language.
            CHEBOKSAROV N.N., CHEBOKSAROVA I.A. 1985. Narody, rasy, kul’tury. M. Nauka. – (In Russian) – Folks, Races, Cultures. M. Nauka.
            CHEREDNICHENKO N.N. 1986. Srubnaya kul’tura. V kn. Kul’tury epokhi bronzy na territori Ukrainy. K. – (In Russian) – The Srubna Culture. In the book: The Cultures of the Broze Age on the Territory of the Ukraine. K.
            CHERNYKH E.N. 1976. Volgo-Ural’e v sisteme metallurgicheskikh provintsiy III-II tys. do n.e. PAPP. Kuybishev. – (In Russian) – The Volga-Ural Region in the System of Metallurgical Provinces III-II mil. BC. PAPP. Kuybishev.
            CHERNYKH E.N. 1976., KUZMINYKH S.V. 1990. Drevnieyshie metallurgii Severnoy Yevrazii: Problemy vzaimosviazi proizvodiashchikh centrov. – (In Russian) – The Most Ancient Metallurgy of the Northern Eurasia: The Problems of the Interconnection of Production Centers. UI. V. 2.
            CHILDE GORDON. 1952. U istokov evropeyskoy tsivilizatsii. M. – (In Russian) – The Dawn of European Civilisation. Translation from English. M.
            CHROPOVSKÝ BOHHUSLAV, PETER ŠALKOVSKÝ. 1983. Nov(e archeologick( poznatky k rie(eniu etnogenezy Slovanov. CS. Praha. – (In Chech) – New Archealogical Scetches to the Solution of the Ethnogenesis of Slavs. CS. Prague.
            CLAUSON GERARD. 2002. Studies in Turkic and Mongolic linguistics. London, New York.
           CONSTANTINE PORPHYROGENITIUS. 1961. Ob upravlenii imperiey. KISV. M. – (In Russian) – On the Governance of the Empire. KISV. Translation in Russian. M.
            CZEKANOWSKI Jan. 1957. Wstęp do historii Słowian. Poznań. – (In Polish) – Introduction to the History of Slavs. Poznan.
            DAVIES NORMAN. 2000. Yevropa. Istoriya. K. Osnovy. – (In Ukrainian) – Europe. A History. The Translation from English. K. Osnovy.
            DEAK SANDOR. 1961. Uchebnik vengerskogo yazyka. Budapest. – (In Russian) – The Manual of the Hungarian Language. Budapest.
            DEMOSILETSKAYA M.V. 1990. “Valashskaya kolonizatsiya” v Karpatskoy oblasti. OBY. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – “Wallachian Colonosation” in Carpathian Region. OBY. Leningrad.
            DENISOVA R.Ya. 1964. Antropologicheskiy tip i genezis pribaltiyskikh finnov. EFUN. M. – (In Russian) – Anthropological Type and Genesis of Baltic Finns. EFUN. M.
            DENISOVA R.Ya. 1975. Antropologiya drevnikh baltov. Riga. Zinantene. – (In Russian) – Anthropology of Ancient Balts. Riga. Zinantene.
            DESNITSKAJA A.V. 1984. Das albanische im Lichte der alten balkanisch-baltischen Sprachbeziehungen. Zeitschrift für Slavistik Nr 5. Berlin. – (In German) – The Albanian in the Light of Old Balkan-Baltic Language Relation. Magazine: Zeitschrift für Slavistik Nr 5. Berlin.
            DESNITSKAYA A.V. 1966. Rekonstruktsiya elementov drevnebalkanskogo yazyka i obshchebalkanskie lingvisticheskie problemy. (Pervyy kongress balkanskikh issledovaniy. Sofia. 26 avgusta – 1 sentyabrya 1966 g.). M. – (In Russian) – Reconstruction of Elements of the Old-Albanian Language and Common-Balkan Linguistic Problems. (The First Congress of Balkan Studies. Sofia. 26 August – 1 September 1966). M.
            DESNITSKAYA A.V. 1984. Sravnitel’noe yazykoznanie i istoriya yazykov. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – Comparative Linguistics and History of Languages. Leningrad.
            DESNITSKAYA A.V.1968. Albanskiy yazyk i ego dialekty. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – The Albanian Language and its Dialects. Leningrad.
            DIACHENKO N.I. 1990. Antropologicheskiy sostav makedontsev, serbov, sloventsev, khorvatov, chernogortsev i bosniytsev v sviazi s ikh proiskhozhdeniem. MKSA. (In Russian) – Anthropological Composition of Macedonians, Serbians, Slovenes, Croats and Bosniaks in the Connection of their Origin. MKSA.
            DIAKONOV I.M. 1968. Predystoriya armyanskogo naroda. Yerevan. – (In Russian) – Prehistory of Armenian People. Erivan.
            DORUL’A JÁN. 1983. Z histórie lexikálnych slovensko-východoslovanských súvislostí a paralel. CS. Praha. – (In Slovak) – From the History of Slovak-East-Slavic Connections and Parallels. Ms: CS. Prague.
            DOVZHENKO N.D., RYCHKOV N.A. 1988. K probleme sotsial’noy stratifikatsii plemen yamnoy kul’turno-istoricheskoy obshchnosti. NPYK. K. – (In Russian) – To the Problem of Social Stratification of the Tribes of the Yamna (Pit) Culture. K.
            DRACHUK V.S. 1971. Zerkalo s zagadochnymi znakami iz Ol’vii. SA. №1. – (In Russian) – The Mirror with Puzzling Signs from Olvia. Magazine: SA. #1.
            DUDKO D.M. 1988. Skifskiy religioznyy prazdnik v otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy istoriografii. Sovetskaya etnografiya. №2. – (In Russian) – A Scythian Religious Holiday in Home and Foreign Historiography. Magazine: Sovetskaya etnografiya, #2.
            DZENDZELIVS'KIY Y.O. 1969. Ukraїns’ko-zakhidnoslov’yans’ki leksichni paraleli. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Ukrainian-West-Slavic Lexical Parallels. K.
            EDELMAN D.I. 1968. Osnovnye voprosy lingvisticheskoy geografii. Na materiale indoiranskikh yazykov. M. – (In Russian) – Main Questions of the Linguistic Geography. On the Materials of Indo-Iranian Languages. M.
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