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Literature. B. Scientific works and sources: T - Z

            A. Lexicography

            TELEGIN D.Ya. 1968. Dnipro-donets’ka kul’tura. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Dniepr-Donets Culture. K.
            TELEGIN D.Ya. 1973. Seredn’ostogivs’ka kul’tura epokhi midi. K. – (In Russian) – The Seredniy Stih Culture of Chalcolithic. K.
            TELEGIN D.Ya. 1988. Ob absolyutnom vozraste yamnoy kul’tury. NPYK. K. Naukova dumka. – (In Russian) – About the Absolute Age of Yamna (Pit) Culture. K. Naukova dumka.
            TELEGIN D.Ya. 1990-1. Illiriyskie i frakiyskie gidronimy Pravoberezhnoy Ukrainy v svete arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy. VY. № 4. – (In Russian) – Illirian and Thracian Hydronyms of the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Light of Archaelogical Studies. VY. # 4.
            TELEGIN D.Ya. 1990-2. O roli nositeley neoliticheskikh kul’tur vislo-dneprovskogo mezhdurech’ya v etnogeneticheskom processe. MKSA. M. Nauka. – (In Russian) – About the Role of the Neolithic Cultures of the County between the Vistula and Dniepr in the Ethno-Genetic Process. MKSA. M. Nauka.
            TERENOZHKIN A.I. 1961. Predskifskiy period na Dneprovskom Pravoberezh’e. K. – (In Russian) – Pre-Scythian Period on the Right-Bank Dniepr Country. K.
            TERENOZHKIN A.I.(Ed.) 1971. Arkheologiya Ukrayins’koї RSR. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Archaeology of the Ukrainian SSR. K.
           TERENOZHKIN A.I. 1976. Kimmeriytsy. Naukova dumka. K. – (In Russian) – The Cimmerians. K. Naukova dumka.
            TERNOVSKAYA O.A. 1981. O nekotorykh skhodstvakh v zhatvennoy obryadnosti slavian. FRSN. M. – (In Russian) – About Some Likenesses in Harvesting Ritualism of Slavs. M.
            TERPILOVSKI R.V. 1984. Rannie slaviane v Podesen’e. III – V vv n.e. K. – (In Russian) – The Early Slavs in the Desna Country. III – V c. AD. K.
            TERPILOVSKI R.V. 1990. Lokal’nye varianty kievskoy kul’tury III-V vv. MKSA. – (In Russian) – Local Variants of the Kiev Culture III-V c. AD. MKSA.
            TKACHENKO O.B. 1990. K etnokul’turnomu aspektu drevneyshikh finno-ugorskikh slavizmov. UI. – (In Russian) – To the Ethno-Cultural Aspects of the Oldest Finno-Ugric Slavisms. UI.
            TOLOCHKO P.P. a.o. 1994. Davnya istoriya Ukrayiny. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Ancient History of the Ukraine. K.
            TOPOROV V.N. 1973-1. K frakiysko-baltiyskim yazykovym parallelyam. Sb. Balkanskoe yazykoznanie. M. – (In Russian) – To the Thracian-Baltic Language Parallelisms: Balkan Linguistics. M.
            TOPOROV V.N. 1973-2. Baltizmy v russkikh govorakh. Sb. BL. Riga. – (In Russian) – The Baltisms in the Russian Dialects. BL. Riga.
            TOPOROV V.N. 1983. O baltiyskikh sledakh v gidronimi Pooch’ya. Sb. Balto-slavianskie etno-yazykovye otnosheniya v istoricheskom i areal’nom plane. Tezisy dokladov vtoroy balto-slavianskoy konferentsii. M. – (In Russian) – About the Baltic Tracks in Hydronymy of the Oka Country: Baltic-Slavic Ethno-Language Relations in Historical and Areal Connection. M.
            TOPOROV V.N. 1990. O kharaktere drevneyshikh balto-finnougorskikh kontaktov po materialam gidronimii. UI. Ch. 1. – (In Russian) – About the Character of the Oldest Baltic-Finno-Ugric Contacts on the materials of Hydronymy. UI. P. 1.
            TOPOROV V.N., TRUBACHIOV O.N. 1962. Lingvisticheskiy analiz gidronimov Verkhnego Pridneprov’ya. M. – (In Russian) – The Linguistic Analysis oh Hydronyms of the Country of the Upper Dniepr. M.
            TOVKAYLO M.T. 1998. Neolit stepovogo Pobuzhzhya. Avtoreferat disertatsiї na zdobuttya naukovogo stupenya kandidata istorichnikh nauk. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Neolithic of the Steppe Country of River Bug. The Auto-Abstract of Dissertation. K.
            TRAUTMAN REINHOLD. 1948. Die slawische Völker und Sprachen. Eine Einführung in die Slawistik. Leipzig. – (In German) – The Slavic Folks. An Introduction to the Slavistics. Leipzig.
            TRET'YAKOV P.N. 1948. Vostochnoslavianskie plemena. M. – (In Russian) – The East-Slavic Tribes. M.
            TRET'YAKOV P.N. 1952. Vostochnoslavianskie plemena. M. – (In Russian) – The East-Slavic Tribes. M.
            TRET'YAKOV P.N. 1982. Po sledam drevnikh slavianskikh plemen. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – On the Tracks of the Ancient Slavic Tribes. Leningrad.
            TROFIMOV A.A. 1977. Ornament chuvashskoy narodnoy vyshivki. Cheboksary. – (In Russian) – The Ornament of the Chuvash Embroidery. Cheboksary.
            TRUBACHIOV O.N. 1959. Lingvisticheskaya geografiya i etimologicheskie issledovaniya. VY. № 1. – (In Russian) – The Linguistic Geography and the Etymological Studies. VY. № 1.
            TRUBACHIOV O.N.1965. Iz slaviano-iranskikh leksicheskikh otnosheniy. Sb. Etimologiya. M. – (In Russian) – From the Slavic-Iranian Lexic Relations: Etymology. M.
            TRUBACHIOV O.N. O.N. 1968. Nazvaniya rek Pravoberezhnoy Ukrainy. M. – (In Russian) – The River Names of the Right-Bank Ukraine.
            TRUBACHIOV O.N. 1984. Yazykoznanie i etnogenez slavian. VY. №3. (In Russian) – – (In Russian) – Linguistics and the Ethnogenesis of Slavs. VY. # 3.
            TRUBACHIOV O. N. 1985. Yazykoznanie i etnogenez slavian. VY. № 4, 5. – (In Russian) – Linguistics and the Ethnogenesis of Slavs. VY. ## 4, 5.
            TRUBACHIOV O.N. 1990. Etnogenez i kul’tura drevneyshikh slavian. MKSA. – (In Russian) – The Ethnogenesis and Culture of the Ancient Slavs. MKSA.
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            TUMANIAN E.G. 1971. Drevnearmyanskiy yazyk. M. – (In Russian) – The Old Armenian Language. M.
            TURETSKIY M.A.(Ed.). 2007. Istoria slavianskikh terminov rodstva i nekotorykh drevnieyshikh termonov obshchestvennogo stroya – (In Russian) – A History of Slavic Terms of Kinship and Some Old Terms of Social Order. M.
            TYMCHENKO Ye. 1930. Kurs istoriї ukraїns’kogo yazyka. Kharkiv-K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Course of the History of the Ukrainian Language. Kharkov-Kiev.
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            UŁASZYN HENRYK. 1959. Praojczyzna Słowian. Łódź. – (In Polish) – The Urheimat of Slavs. Lodz.
            VAL'KOVA V. 1976. K voprosu o ponyatii «muzykal’naya tema». Sb. statey Muzykal’noe iskusstvo i nauka. Vypusk 3. M. – (In Russian) – To the Question of Concept "Musical Theme": Musical Art and Science. Issue 3. M.
            VANKO J. 1984. Einige syntaktische Besonderheiten der ukrainischen Dialekte in der Ostslowakei. Zeitschrift für Slavistik. №1. Berlin. – (In German) – Some Syntactic Peculierity of the Ukrainian Dialects in the East Slovakia: Zeitschrift für Slavistik. @1 Berlin.
            VEENKER W., 1967. Die Frage des finno-ugriscxhen Substrats in der russischen Sprache. Bloomington. – (In German) – The Question of the Finno-Ugric Substratum in the Russian Language. Bloomington.
            VERES P. 1985. Nekotoraye voprosy etnogeneza vengerskogo naroda. UAEY. Novosibirsk. – (In Russian) – Some Questions of the Ethnogenesis of the Hungarian Folk. UAEY. Novosibirsk.
            VINOGRADOV V.A. 1982. Funktsional’no-tipologicheskie kriterii klassifikatsii yazykov. TOKY. M. – (In Russian) – Functional-Typological Criterions of the Classification of Languages. TOKY. M.
            VYNOKUR I. S., TYMOSHCHUK B.O. 1977. Davni slov’yani na Dnistri. Uzhhorod. Karpaty. – (In Ukraianian) – The Ancient Slavs on the Dnirstr. Uzhgorod. Karpaty.
            VOLKAITE-KULIKAUSKIENE R R. 1990. Etnicheskaya situatsiya na territorii Litvy v I i nachale II tys. n.e. MKSA. – (In Russian) – The Ethnical Situation on the Territory of Lithuania in the 1st and the Beginnig of the 2nd mill. A.D.: MKSA. M.
            VOLIAN V. 1854. Nachalnoe osnovaniye roslinosloviya pro nizhshii gimnazia i nizhshii real’nii shkoly vъ ts.k. Avstriys’koy derzhavѣ. Vѣden’ – (In Russian-Ukrainian) – The Primary Basis of Plant Names for Secondary Schools and Low Real Schools in K.-K. Austria. Vienna.
            VOROPAY OLEKSA. 1958. Zvichaї nashogo narodu. Etnografichniy narys. V dvokh tomakh. Myunkhen. – (In Ukrainian) – The Customs of Our People. Ethnographic Sketch. In two Volumes. Munich.
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            WAHLE ERNST. 1968. Die Germanisierung Mitteleuropas. AS. Darmstadt. – (In Russian) – The Germanisation of Central Europa. AS. Darmstadt.
            YANKO M.P. 1998. Toponimchniy slovnik Ukraїni. K. Znannya. – (In Ukrainian) – The Dictionary of Place Names of the Ukraine. K. Znannya.
            YAYLENKO V.P. 1990. Goty v etnogeneze slavian. MKSA. – (In Russian) – The Goths in the Ethnogenesis of Slavs. MKSA.
            YEGOROV N.I. 1987. Onogury, saviry, bulgary, ugry i ikh vzaimootnosheniya v pervoy polovine I tysyacheletiya n.e. CYIE. Cheboksary. – (In Russian) – The Onogurs, Savirs, Bulgars, Ugrians and their Interrelations in the 1st Half of the 1st mill AD. CYIE. Cheboksary.
           YEGOROV GENNADIY. 1993. Voskresienie shumerov. Cheboksary. Atăl. – (In Russian) – The Revival of the Sumers. Cheboksary. Atăl.
            YEGOROV V.G. 1971. Sovremennyy chuvashskiy literaturnyy yazyk v sravnitel’no-istoricheskom osveshchenii. Cheboksary. – (In Russian) – The Current Chuvash Literary Language in the Comparative-Historical Light. Cheboksary.
            YEVSIUKOV V.V. 1988. Mify o vselennoy. Novosibirsk. – (In Russian) – Myths about Universe. Novosibirsk.
            ZAIMOV YORDAN. 1967. Zaselvane na balkanskite slaviani na Balkanskiya poluostrov. Sofia. – (In Bulgarian) – Settlement of Balkan Slavs on Balkan Peninsula. Sofia.
            ZAKREVSKAYA Ya.V.1976. Spetsifika territorial’noy differentsiatsii dialektov po dannym slovoborazovaniya. OLA. M. – (In Russian) – Peculiarity of Territorial Differentiation of Dialects on Data of Word-Building. Ms: OLA. M.
            ZAVIERNIAYEV F.M. 1970. Zarubinetskie pamyatniki verkhnego Podesen’ya. Sb. Drevnie slaviane i ikh sosedi. M. – (In Russian) – The Zarubinets Relics of the Upper Desna Basin. Ms: Ancient Slavs and their Neighbours. M.
            ZBENOVYCH V.G. 1989. Ranniy etap tripol’skoy kul’tury na territorii Ukrainy. K. – (In Russian) – An Early Stage of the Trypilla Culture on the Territory of the Ukraine. K.
            ZELENIN D.K. 1991. Vostochnoslavianskaya etnografiya. M. – (In Russian) – East-Slavic Ethnography. M.
            ZHELEZNIAK I.M. 1976. Gidronimnyje paralleli Ukrainy i Yugoslavii. – (In Russian) – Hydronymic Parallels of the Ukraine and Yugoslavia. OLA. K.
            ZHELEZNIAK I.M. 1987. Ros’ i etnolingvistychni procesy seredn’o-naddnipryans’kogo Pravoberezhzhya. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The River Ros’ and Ethno-Linguistic Processes of the Middle Dniepr Right-Bank Region. K.
            ZHILKO F.T. 1963. Fonologichni osoblivosti ukraїns’koї movi. K. – (In Ukrainian) – Phonologic Peculiarities of the Ukrainian Language. K.
            ZHIVOV V.M. 1985. Yazyk Feofana Prokopovicha i rol’ gibridnykh variantov tserkovnoslavianskogo v istorii slavianskikh literaturnykh yazykov. SS. № 3. – (In Russian) – Feophan Prokopovich’s Language and the Role of Hybrid Variants of Church-Slavic Language in the History of Slavic Literary Languages. SS. #3. M.
            ZHLUKTENKO YU.O., YAVORS'KA T.A. 1974. Vstup do germans’kogo movoznavstva. K. – (In Ukrainian) – Introduction to Germanic Linguistics. K.
            ZHUGRA A.V., SYTOV A.P. 1990. Albanskiy yazyk. OBY. Leningrad. – (In Russian) – The Albanian Language. Leningrad.
            ZHURAVLEV A.F. 1991. K probleme rasseleniya drevnikh slavian. (O tak nazyvayemom "grafoanaliticheskom metode"). VY. № 2. – (In Russian) – To the Problem of Settlement of Ancient Slavs. (About so called "Graphical-analytical method"). VY. # 2.
            ZOGRAF G.A. 1982. K klassifikatsii indoariyskikh yazykov. TOKY. M. . – (In Russian) – To the Classification of Ando-Arian Languages. TOKY. M.
            ZVEGINTSEV V.A. 1960. Lingvisticheskoe datirovanie metodom glottokhronologii. Sb. Novoe v lingvistike. Vypusk 1. M. – (In Russian) – Linguistic Dating by the Method of Glottochronology. Ms: The New in Linguistics. Issue 1. M.
            ZVERUGO Ya.G. 1990. K voprosu o zaselenii slavianami severno-zapadnoy Belorussii. MKSA. – (In Russian) – To the Question of Settling of North-West Belorussia by Slavs. MKSA.
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