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The Urheimat of the Nostratic Languages

The Relationship of the Altaic and Turkic languages. Origin and development.

Literature. B. Scientific works and sources: N - S

            A. Lexicography

            NADEL’ BENIAMIN. 1978. Chernomorsko-khettskie onomatologicheskie sviazi. AISZP. K. – (In Russian) – Pontic-Hittite Onomatologic Connections. K.
            NAPOLSKIKH V.V. 1990. Palaeoevropeyskiy substrat v sostave zapadnykh finno-ugrov. UI. Ch. 2. – (In Russian) – Palaeo-European Substratum in the Complement of the Finno-Ugrians. UI.P 2.
            NASONOV A.N. 1951. “Russkaya zemlya” i obrazovanie territorii drevnerusskogo gosudarstva. M. (In Russian) – “The Russian Land” and the Formation of the Territory of Old-Russian State. V.
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            NEHRING ALFONS. 1954. Die Problematik der Indogemanenforschung. AS. Darmstadt. – (In German) – The Problems of the Indo-European-Research. . AS. Darmstadt.
            NEMET GYULA. 1985. Plotnichnoe remeslo tyurko-bulgar v svete drevnetyurkskikh zaimstvovaniy vengerskim yazykom. IVUCY. – (In Russian) – Carpentery of the Turkic Bulgars in the Light of Old-Turkic Loan-words in the Hungarian Languge.
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            NIKOLAYEV S.L. 1994. Ranneye dialektnoe chlenenie i vneshnie sviazi vostochnoslavianskikh dialektov. VY. – (In Russian) – Early Dialectal Disintegration and outer Connections of the East-Slavic Dialects. VY. #3.
            NIKOLAYEV S.L., KHELOMSKIY E.A. 1990. Slavianskie (novgorodsko-pskovskie) zaimstvovaniya v pribaltiysko-finskikh yazykakh: -a i -i v refleksakh imen muzhskogo roda. UI. Ch.1. – (In Russian) – Slavic (Novgorod-Pskovian) Loan-words in the Baltic-Finnish Languages: -a i -i in Reflexes of Names Masculine. UI. P1.
            NIKOLAYEVA TAMARA. 2005. Ukraїns’kiy kostyum. Nadiya na renesans. K. Dnipro. – (In Ukrainian) – Ukrainian Costume. Hope on Renaissance. K. Dnipro.
            NIKORAK OLENA. 2001. Rushnik u traditsiyniy kul’turi ukraїntsiv. Narodoznavchi zoshiti. Zoshit 3. L’viv. – (In Ukrainian) – Towel in Traditional Culture of Ukrainians. Ethnological Notebooks. Notebook 3.
            NIMCHUK VASYL. 1994.Problema ukraїns’kogo dialektogenezu. PSA. K. – (In Ukrainian) – The Problem of Ukrainian Dialectogenesis. K.
            NOVAKOVICĦ REЉA. 1973. Odakle su srbi doshli na Balkansko poluostrovo. Beograd. – (In Serbian) – Where from Serbians came to Balkan Peninsula. Belgrade.
            NOVGORODOVA E.A. 1981. Ranniy etap etnogeneza narodov Mongolii. EPI. – (In Russian) – The Early Stage of the Ethnogenesis of Mongolian Peoples. EPI.
            NOVIKOVA M.O. 1993. Komentar. V kn. M.N. Moskalenko (uporyadnik). Ukraїns’ki zamovlyannya. K. Dnipro. – (In Ukrainian) – Comment. In the book: Ukrainian Exorcisms. K. Dnipro.
            ORANSKIY I.M. 1979. Vvedenie. OIY. M. – (In Russian) – Introduction. OIY. M.
            OREL V. E. 1990-1. Etimologicheskie zametki po vostochnoslavianskoy leksike. SS. № 3. - (In Russian) – Etymological Notes on East-Slavic vocabulary. SS. № 3.
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            OSHIBKINA S.V. 1990. Drevneyshie etnokul’turnye obrazovaniya na severe vostochnoy Evropy. UI. CH. 2. M. – (In Russian) – The Oldest Ethno-Cultural Formations on the North of East Europe. UI. P 2.
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            POBOL L.D. 1983. Arkheologicheskie pamiatniki Byelorussii. – (In Russian) – Archaeological relics of Belorussia. Minsk.
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            POHL WALTER. 2002. Die Awaren. Ein Steppenvolk in Mitteleuropa. München. – (In German) – The Avars. A Steppe Folk in Middle Europe. Munich.
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            POPOWSKA-TABORSKA HANNA. 1991. Wczesne dzieje Słowian w świetle ich języka. – (In Polish) – Earliest History of Slavs in the Light of Their Language. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków.
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            RANOV V.A. 1978. Palaeolit Peredneaziatskikh nagoriy. Sb. Paleolit Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka. Leningrad. – (In Russian) Palaeolithic of Western Asiatic Upland Regions: Palaeolithic of Near and Middle East. Leningrad.
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            RIABININ E.A. 1990. Slaviano-finno-ugorskie kontakty na severe Vostochnoy Evropy v epokhu srednevekov’ya. UI. Ch.1. – (In Russian) – The Slavic-Finno-Ugric Contacts on the North of Easter Europe in Middle Age. UI. P.1.
            RIMANTENE R.K. 1971. Paleolit i mezolit Litvy. Vil’nyus. – (In Russian)- Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Lithuania. Vilnius.
            RONA-TAS A. 1987. Osnovnye zvukovye izmeneniya v istorii chuvashskogo yazyka. Sb. Voprosy fonetiki, grammatiki i onomastiki chuvashskogo yazyka. Cheboksary. – (In Russian) – Main Sound Changes in the History of the Chuvash Language: Qustions of Phonetic, Grammar and Onomastycs of the Chuvash language. Cheboksary.
            RONA-TAS ANDRAS. 1987. Altayskaya teoriya i istoriya srednemongol’skikh zaimstvovaniy v chuvashskom yazyke. CYIE. Cheboksary. – (In Russian) – Altaic Theory and the History of Middle-Mongolic Loan-Words in the Chuvas language. CYIE. Cheboksary.
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            RUBTSOV F.A. 1973. Osnovy ladovogo stroya russkikh narodnykh pesen Sb. Stat’i po muzykal’nomu fol’kloru. Leningrad – M. – Sovetskiy kompozitor. – (In Russian) – The Principles of Tune Structure of Russian Folk Songs: Articles on Music Folclore. Leningrad – M.
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